It’s Amber Luke’s fifth day of quarantine so she decided to have a little chit chat with her fans. This heavily tattooed sexy babe mentioned that she started getting inked at the age of fifteen and has become heavily tattooed by the time she was twenty years old. She considers her tattoos as pieces of artwork that gave her the opportunity to reinvent and express herself. For her, getting tattooed is one way to let people know that she has a voice and that she’s different. The blue-haired alt-porn babe suddenly becomes horny and begins taking off her skin toned bikini to start off the show. Comfortably sitting on the carpeted floor, she spreads her legs, exposing her shaved pussy. The horny beauty continues talking as she sensually rubs her legs. Then, she suddenly shuts up and grabs her perky tits with both hands. Amber sweetly moans as one hand reaches her pinkish pussy, rubbing it sideways then up and down feeling herself. She then lightly presses her clit until she is wet enough. The inked slut heads to the bathroom, filling her bathtub with water. She once again plays with her pussy before getting into the tub, letting water run through her cunt with both legs up on the faucet. She inserts two fingers inside her pussy as the water continuously flows. Sweet horny lady Amber Luke, spreads her legs and her pussy wide then let the water run through it until she is completely satisfied. She is happy with her solo masturbation during quarantine as she closes her eyes, feeling the sensation. Amber sexily stares at the camera, her blue eyes can undeniably get any man she wants, announcing that it’s how she spent her quarantine. The sexually satisfied whore went back to her room and continued talking to her fans, as if nothing happened. But at least both Amber and her fans had a feast today.