River Dawn Ink
- breastsNatural
- bodytypeSlim
- haircolorOther
- ethnicityCaucasian
- tattoosHearts under the eyes; Various designs on both arms and hands; Scorpions on both breasts; Palm and moth on abdomen; Shark on right ribcage; Symbols on left ribcage; Old key in between breasts; Egyptian design below the neck; Various designs in both legs; Spiderweb on ass hole
- piercingsSeptum; Left nostril; Lower lip; Nipples; Belly button
- bioNew to the alternative porn scene, River Dawn Ink is a tattooed-covered babe who did not hold back on her first appearance. This brave minx wanted to make her debut feature memorable by getting her pussy inked. Almost every corner of River's skin has artful pieces on it, even her tight pink asshole, and has numerous piercings on her body and face. When it comes to talent in the world of sex, best believe this darling knows how to handle any cock that comes her way.<br/>River Dawn Ink's life before porn is a little mystery, but this adds a mysterious appeal. We know that she is daring and has a huge sexual appetite for hardcore humping, especially in front of the camera.

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