Kitana Montana
- signCapricorn
- breastsAugmented
- bodytypeToned
- haircolorBlonde
- ethnicityLatina
- tattoos"Wild Strong Free" below the chest; Heart with wings on the neck; Patch sleeve on left arm; Cross with a red face on the back of the left hand; Back of right hand; Flower line design on right hip; Barbwire on upper right arm; "MADE IN UNIVERSE" on upper left thigh; Ram devil with wings on left thigh; Granade with thigh holder on right thigh; Pelvic bone; Two flamingos with writing in between on right calf; Logo above right ankle; A passage on the left calf; Writings on knuckles;
- piercingsPhiltrum (middle of upper lip/ Medusa)
- bioKnockout babe Katerina Kalista is one beauty that you will surely not take your eyes off. Sultry stares are so intense that viewers will feel their throats start to close up. Indeed, even without the tattoo of a grenade on her thigh, this whore is undeniably the bombshell with the capacity to blow anyone's mind. Katerina Kalista is not shy to show off her curves and undress in front of the camera or a large number viewing audience. An amateur in the porn world, but she is already showing her potential at full force and is confident she will make an impact in the industry as well. Kalista also has a modeling career in Europe, highlighting her versatility and talent.

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